Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mt. Pinatubo : Conquered!

There are a couple of things I was surprised with during this expedition to Mt. Pinatubo. To begin with, three people cancelled the last minute, there was one who after confirming attendance I didn't hear from again until a couple of days prior to the trip, add to it a handful of last minute changes on the itinerary. But after all the hoopla we've managed to roll with the punches; and so there was 6 people left standing. Me, my brother, Emsie, Prince, Grace and Judy -- we braved our way to Mt. Pinatubo.

One of the best things about travelling is the change--Change in pace, change in routine, change in environment, and change in the outcome of your day. I immediately appreciated that change right from the start of the 4x4 ride. The 4x4 ride is about 45min-1 hour (long trail) that takes place in between mountains for the most part. There's a clearing where you can see huge rocks, streams of water and some stuff that seems to be lahar ruins. Things can get pretty dusty so an enclosed 4x4 would be great (we chose to ride the open one because we're feeling rock stars but after about 10min -- we understood why the enclosed one is recommended)   

Now here comes the hard part --- that much awaited trek to the crater lake. So after the 4x4 ride off we go to trek for 2 hours (for the record, I honestly thought the 2 hours is an exaggeration). The first 15-30 min is quite fun...you look left and right...you see different rock formations...take a picture of every single thing...leading the pack every now and then. After that though you start asking "how much longer, kuya?"..."malayo pa ba?"... till you reach the point where you say "when is this gonna end?" --- I tell you, this trek is hella HARD. I've finished my 2L of water halfway to the trek, good thing you get free mineral water straight from the mountains. 

The crater lake was beautiful, that's already a given. Although our guide told us that the best time to go there is really after the rainy season around August onwards so you can catch the blue green water of the lake. When we finally reached the crater lake I was much too tired to bother moving and doing anything else, some of them though still opted to go boating and our guide was nice enough to give us a discount. 

Here are some more tips for those planning to go to Pinatubo:
  • For god sakes take the SKY WAY (especially if you're not physically prepared for a long trek) I guarantee that despite the fact it's called the Sky Way, you'd still get a good share of the action and adventure. 
  •  Wear comfortable shoes!...and bring an alternative footwear. So you can change your shoes should you have blisters during the trek (I did!).
  • Bring LOTS and LOTS of WATER.
  • Bring a cap or a hat or apply some sort of conditioner in your hair so it's not super damaged at the end of the day.
  • Bring snacks like chips, crackers or sweets coz I'm sure you'll be hungry by the time you get to the crater lake --- buffet is served after the descend. 
To wrap it up, I've realized that there are some things I need to change in terms of the mechanics in confirming attendance, in planning, in research and in inviting people. I'm not much of a sociable person, in fact I have very few friends and travelling is not usually done with strangers; so this is a learning experience for me in so many ways. I'm thankful for the first batch for bearing with me and despite all the challenges prior and during the trip, I could honestly say I had fun--- but definitely not gonna go trekking for another year. Until the next Travel Urge!

All photos available here for tagging and download. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Our guide to Pinatubo

*map c/o trekkingpinatubo.com

What to expect:
  • The Trek to Pinatubo starts with a 4x4 jeep ride from the base camp at (Brgy. Sta. Juliana Capas, Tarlac) that takes an hour in the Old Way and an hour and half in the Sky way.
  • The Old Way or Long Trail takes (12km) about 2 hours trek time. 
  • The Sky Way or Short Trail (8km) takes about 30min-1 hour trek time.
  • For the trail going to the crater expect to encounter water streams. 
  • There are times that we will pass by some lush vegetation – a contrast on the barren field that we will cross with the 4x4 vehicle. A few minutes before we reach the view deck of Mt. Pinatubo, a fresh water spring can be found. 
  • The Pinatubo crater is the end destination of the trip. Its turquoise colored water is the most beautiful part of Mt. Pinatubo. The lake is 2 km wide, is 600-800 meters deep and has a surface area of about 6.3 square km. The water is hot and bubbling (but swimmable), manifestations of an active volcano.
  • Kayaking/boating around the lake can be arranged, that usually costs P350/head. Maybe we can use our bargaining skills on site to make it lower.

*please see photos of the trail below

    What to bring:
    • Make sure you wear comfortable and reliable footwear. Trekking sandals is the best option but sneakers or rubber shoes will also do. Although expect your feet to get wet so bring an extra pair of flip flops.
    • Wear any clothes you'd be comfortable in, I'm sure nobody would mind even if you come on your PJ's. But I suggest you wear something that could also protect you from the environment we'd be braving, and something that would make the trail easier/friendlier to you.
    • As we all know, nothing can replace WATER so bring a water jug with you because you'll need it. If you've seen the movie 127 Hours, you should learn from James Franco, you wouldn't want to end up drinking your pee.
    • If you're the type who gets hungry fast or needs sweets as a pick me up, bring light snacks with you but there will be a rewarding lunch buffet waiting for us after our trek.
    • Sun block, cap, sunglasses can also be useful if you're the type who needs those to be comfortable.
    • Two extra change of shirt and shorts/pants is recommended, I suspect we'd be swimming and taking a dip on the crater lake.   

    I personally prefer the Long Trail but I would be open to taking the Sky Way if the majority agrees to go that way. I'd like to think of the long trail as a challenge, something we have to conquer before we get to the beautiful part. If you think you're not fit to go that way, no worries...we're on vacation, we don't need to hurry. It's not a race after all and the crater lake wouldn't go anywhere no matter how long it takes for us to finish the trail.

    I'm so psyched for this trip! I can't wait for the adventure waiting for us, and to see the beauty of Mt. Pinatubo Crater. 

    *photos c/o pinatubotours.blogspot.com

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    First stop: Mt.Pinatubo!

    Holy week is like the sales convention for travel freaks. You get at least 4 days free pass to go anywhere you want and do whatever you want. No work, no deadline, no rush hour, no overtime. Just pure hundred percent awesome!

    This Holy Week I plan to travel on a budget, and that would mean no flying out of the country or anything that involves airplanes and beaches (coz their rates are a killer during Holy Week) --- land travel is the cheapest way to go. Mt. Pinatubo is just the right stop, without compromising the adventure awaiting us with all the trekking, plus a rewarding view of the beautiful Pinatubo crater.

    Now I know Pinatubo rings a bell and danger immediately comes to mind, after all it is an active volcano. But you would be surprised with Pinatubo's transformation. It has since become a tourist spot and an adventure destination.

    Here are some travel inspiration photos for you:

    So the plan is to go to Mt. Pinatubo on FRIDAY of Holy Week (April 22, 2011) - Cost: Php3,000

    Transfer from Manila-Pinatubo base camp and back
        - Meet up at wherever the middle point is to everyone (possibly 7/11 at GMA 7)
        - With gas, toll fee, etc.
        - Meet up time 4am sharp (van must leave exactly 4:30am)
    Use of 4x4 jeep to trekking point
    Entrance Fee
    Local Tour Guide
    Filipino Food Lunch Buffet
    Use of locker and shower facilities
    Travelurge tip (P50.00) :)
    *boats are available on site at P350 to go around the lake, didn't include this in the package as not everyone might want to avail of this option

    Please note that this is the best rate I could find for this trip, I've decided to chose this over a cheaper one because the package is more complete with the use of facilities and a rewarding lunch buffet after the 2 hour trek.

    I'll post another entry, a guide on what to bring, what to expect, what to wear, etc. In the mean time if you have questions about the trip you can place a comment on this entry or email me at pat_delcastillo@yahoo.com. You need to confirm on or before APRIL 15, 2010.

    This is an open invitation, literally to ANYONE who wants to join. I was able to get the low rates assuming that we're a group of 10, so the more people the better.

    Come and meet new people in a fun adventure in Pinatubo! Let's go! :)

    All photos c/o trekkingpinatubo.com

    Birth of an urge

    I was sitting outside Dell's Food House at lunch break when I realized I don't want to be stuck in an office desk in front of my computer till I'm 40. I thought, if only there's money in being a farmer or a fisherman to feed my love of the outdoors.

    What I really want to do is to live by the beach (I know, who doesn't?), play frisbee in the afternoon, go hiking and trekking, indulge in different cultures and food, have a picnic every weekend, dive the ocean and just do some serious travelling. That's always been my passion. Maybe I can put up a travel shop or a travel agency but I don't have the funds for that YET. My mind wandered some more about this thought for a couple of hours and ended up with the conclusion that I've got to start somewhere, whatever it is I can do now.

    So here I am starting my travel blog. I want this blog to be an open invitation to YOU and everyone you know. I'll plan a trip as often as I can, maybe once a month. Lay out the itinerary, coordinate everything, create a package and most importantly invite YOU, whoever you are to come with me. All you have to do is confirm before the deadline by emailing me at pat_delcastillo@yahoo.com, pay for yourself of course and show up on the said time of meet up.

    Let's travel together, you and I. This is my somewhere.